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Spotting the Signs of Modern Slavery Remotely

With a reduction of face-to-face services, Covid-19 has created new challenges to identifying potential victims of modern slavery. To support professionals who are working remotely to spot the signs of modern slavery over the phone, The South Yorkshire Modern Slavery Partnership has pulled together some simple guidance.

Whilst speaking to persons on the phone, you may encounter some of the following indicators, which could suggest a person may be in an exploitative situation.


Controlled communication

  • When you phone the number on record, the person you expect to answer does not.
  • A person insists on translating on the person’s behalf and obstructs the use of an independent interpreter.
  • A person is in the background who seems to be feeding answers to your questions.
  • A person gives the number of someone else.
  • A person suggests they do not have a phone or do not know their own phone number.
  • You think your call is on loudspeaker and another person is listening into your call.
  • Suspicions that the person you are speaking to is not the person you thought.



Download the full guidance to see other indicators and share with your colleagues. 


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